15 May 2017

Crime times at Belfast Book Festival

There are numerous crime fiction related events at the Crescent Arts Centre in this year's Belfast Book Festival.

Actor and author Ciarán McMenamin kicks off this year’s festivities on 7 June at 12.45 pm and discusses his debut novel Skintown.

Crime novelist and journalist Declan Burke hosts a conversation between fellow Irish crime writers Louise Phillips, Julie Parsons and Stuart Neville in "Trouble Is Our Business" on Saturday 10 June at 2 pm.

Anthony J Quinn and Neil Hegarty discuss "the hidden landscapes of their Irish border novels and the corrosive power of the past" on Sunday 11 June at 12.45pm. Quinn also presents a three-hour workshop on the same afternoon exploring "Mastering Character, Landscape And Plot In Crime Fiction".

On the same Sunday at 2.30 pm, "Last Exit To Inishowen" features Neil Hegarty and Andrea Carter. Their Inch Levels novel and crime trilogy The Inishowen Mysteries respectively are both set against the backdrop of the Inishowen peninsula.

More on these and other festival events including booking info at: crescentarts.org